Side note: at age 6, I was going to be a top ranking marine biologist studying dolphin interaction and communication. Then I figured out around the age of 11 I had a terrible irrational fear of sharks, hated sea food, and had an easily triggered gag reflex that could be set off by a gross smell and obviously the sight of gnarly sciency stuff. BUT by the ripe age of 12, I had a new life path that I'm still riding strong today :P

...And yes, my 12 year old life plan did even include the college I am attending today! I was pretty much a genius by that age. Obviously...
To those of you who even kind of know me, this comes as no surprise to you. I have a spreadsheet on my computer with several columns broken down into several sections detailing and comparing all the particular career/grad school combinations I have been considering. It's kind of sad really. But 'tis the the way I, are as a crazy rapper would put it.
So is this a waste of time? To plan our lives? Or to even have fairly specific goals that would crush you to not reach? I obviously think it's a respectable past time. Yes, I do have very thought out plans and life goals, but I'm always up for a little spontaneity. Take Rwanda for example. I caught wind of the opportunity, that day I applied, the next week I interviewed, and two days later I was planning a Rwandan Summer Adventure. In the specific life plan? Well no. But I was game. DUH.
I guess the trick is to be flexible? That's my hypothesis anyway. Sure. Plan up a storm! But, don't hesitate to mix things up a bit and get off your self-beaten plan on occasion. Do I make God laugh on a daily basis? Well yeah. Most likely. But let's be honest, I'm also just really funny to begin with... haha!
ReplyDeleteIn all seriousness, one thing that's important to remember here: you get shit done.
And that, my dear, is no laughing matter.